Mocha 3D Track Importer Plug-ins简介
使用软件Mocha Pro或Mocha AE获得镜头矫正数据后,该如何把这些数据导入Adobe After Effects进行进一步的影视后期处理?
这里需要用到一个专用的AE导入插件mocha 3D track importer for AE,Mocha 3D Track Importer插件:里面包含了-(Paste mocha camera、 Paste mocha mask)两个插件下载
The Imagineer Systems plug-in for After Effects allows tracking data from mocha Pro or mocha AE to be imported into After Effects in the form of an animated camera and null layers
mocha 3D track importer for AE
中文汉化版Mocha Pro 2024 v11.0 独立版摩卡跟踪摄像机反求软件
These release notes accompany Mocha 3D Track Importer for AE 9.5.3. This is a maintenance
release for Apple silicon compatibility.
新的版本号New in Mocha 3D Track Importer for AE 9.5.3
Apple silicon compatibility: The 3D importer plugin will now run inside After Effects versions that support Apple silicon.
修复以前的版本号Fixed issues since v1.1.0
There are no fixed issues other than the new Apple silicon compatibility.
The version number has been changed to match current Mocha Pro version system.
Adobe cc2014-2020,AE2021,AE2022,AE2023,ae2024或更高版本AE
原生支持Apple M系列芯片电脑
Mac: macOS 10.14 or 10.15 on 64-bit Intel or 10.15+ on Apple M1 arm64.
Windows: Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11 on x64.
插件版本号:Mocha 3D Track Importer v9.5.3
Mocha 3D Track Importer:(Paste mocha camera下载 Paste mocha mask)安装位置
• After Effects (CC+): C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore\
• After Effects (CC+): /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/7.0/MediaCore/
- 如何找到Paste mocha camera和Paste mocha mask插件
Mac版-Mocha 3D Track Importer插件下载
win版-Mocha 3D Track Importer插件下载
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